19. Feedback so far.


During our second week back in the New Year, we recieved feedback about our 24/7 project, and also our journal/workbook/progress or in my case, my blog, if it was brought into our lecture, luckily I just gave my lecturer the link to my lecture. 

On the images -
"Narrative isn't that clear. A good establishing shot and images of her talking to customers, also what does she do there? Cut down the 'at rest' images and include more of her talking to customers. Photography is good, narrative is weak. [50]"

Written Evaluation -
"I'm taking the bit on the blog as the written element? Needs to be critical- look at the images individually and as a sequence - do they work? Show them to others. How can you make them better? [42]"

Visual Diary -
"Blog is looking good - good annotation made by you. It would be better if you explored further, maybe contemporary documentary etc. If you keep going as you are, it could be a high 50's or low 60's"

Overall, I am fairly happy with my feedback, perhaps a little disappointed with the marks, but this gives me an opportunity to better my work before its final hand-in in April. From this feedback I know I will have to go take more photographs of my grandmother. I have to remember that I will need more photographs of her :
  • Communicating with customers in the work place.
  • What she does in the work place. This could involve a photograph of her clearing a table, which is one of the various thing's she does.
  • With my grandfather? 

Perhaps be more forward when she is speaking to others, get involved.
There needs to be better narrative in my photographs. From this, I know I will need more of a story. Straight away I know I want to change the first photograph, the 'waking up' photograph.

Also, it really bugged me that the photographs, when they were printed, all turned out fairly dark. When I do re-print them, I've got to remember to be careful with the black and white settings, and not to over-do it.

My lecturer also mentioned that "doing the 24/7 project on your gran doesn't really strengthen your social skills', so perhaps I should think about using someone else. 


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