25. Major Project - Start!

Final Project!

After completing our three small assignments, Bed to Uni, Street Portraits and 24/7 (due in 22nd March), it is now time to begin the Major, Final Project for our Documentary Photography course! We can essentially document anything, as long as it makes a good project. It's a problem for me, just because I work better with a more restricted project, but this is a good chance to photograph different things and maybe broaden my photography skills. 

Obviously our tutor has given us some tips, just some ideas how to get to our final idea.

Filter Your Thoughts/Ideas
  • What sort of photography do you enjoy looking at?
  • How do you view photography? - As a social tool - as a personal creative tool for self expression - as a money making profession - as a science - as an art.
  • Which of your own photographs gives you the greatest satisfaction and why?
  • Do you enjoy working with other people or on your own?
  • Why is photography important to you?
  • What sort of environment would you like to work within?
  • Which assignments have you got the most out of in your first year?
  • Is multi-skilling important to your future?
  • What do you hate about photography?
  • If you had taken one image that you have come across recently which would it be - to wish you could say "I wish I'd taken that".
  • What are your interests outside of photography - are they transferable to your professional Studies?
These were the main questions we were asked to think about when deciding on a major project. it is also required to make a list of any attributes and failings which might effect the final project in any way.

Final deadline for Major Project - April 22nd 2013.


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