24. Group Presentations

We did our group presentations this week, and honestly I thought it went quite well. I do think we could have done more preparation, but you can always do more. We'd met up once to discuss the presentation and do a little research, we'd also had some time in class to have discussions, but we did most of our discussions over faceboook, simply because it was convenient for all of, especially as one of the girls travels back and forth to Uni. So we'd all agreed which parts we did, and I'd picked to do his 'style' of work , which I thought would be quite straightforward, seeing as someone's always got something to say about Parr's work. Here are my notes which I had put together over the last few weeks. They included looking at texts from 'The pleasures of Good Photographs', Essays by Gerry Badger, and I also looked at Martin Parr's CV, which was available on Martin Parr's website: http://www.martinparr.com/ , this CV includ...