2. Assignment One - Journey To The Atrium.

This is a simple, short introductory assignment which is aimed to give us a brief idea of what is to come. Documenting a straightforward journey that is taken everyday. 15 - 25 photographs showing the journey, this can also include your time in the house, before leaving, which must contain a thematic style and visual continuity throughout.

I did have a few ideas to begin, and decided to note them down in a diagram. Photographing shapes is something that stood out to me, perhaps photographing recurring shapes along the journey, so it's important to keep my eyes on the look out for any shapes along the way. 
Over the period of three days, I began documenting my journey to University and my progress getting ready. I would simply carry on my every day routine of getting ready and I would just keep my camera on me at all times and if anything caught my eye, I would photograph it. I really wanted to show a distinctive shape within all of my images, so I focused on corners or triangles. Above are my complete images, which I will need to narrow down to my final 15 - 25 photographs.

I'm fairly happy with my images, although I do have favourites. It might also be worth having a photograph showing  me arriving at the Atrium, or inside the building, which is not included in the contact sheet above.

I do have a photograph showing the corner of the Glamorgan sign, which is found just as you're arriving at the grounds, and you can see the Glamorgan logo in the photograph, which is very effective.
As soon as I arrived at University I instantly noticed the plant pots that ran through the centre of the 'street', and they were square, so had very vivid, noticeable corners.  This photograph would be used as my final photograph.
This was my favourite photograph out of my entire series. The definite shape of the wooden basket was very obvious and clear against the bright white background of the window frame. There was also the shape of the tooth paste lid, a perfect circle in the triangle of the basket, which was very effective. I also like the colours of the photograph, it has a mix of vivid colours, especially the bristles of the top of the toothbrush, which really stand out.


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