5. Fake or Not?
Fake or Not? There are many issues surrounding Documentary Photographs, and the main one is the veracity of the photographs and if they are fake or real? Here are two very recognisable documentary photographs. The one on the left is Arthur Rothstein's photograph 'Cattle Skull, Badlands', 1936. Rothstein was part of the Farm Security Administration, or the 'FSA', and was one of many photographers who were commissioned to photograph and document the effect that the Depression had on many rural parts of America. The 'FSA' was created to stress the efforts that must have been made to improve the lifestyle of share croppers tenants very poor landowning farmers and attempt to relocate them to land more suitable for their farming needs. The 'FSA' is very well known for it's influential photography program, even though it was small, between the years of 1935-1944 . Other images by Rothstein? Same Skulls? To begin we have the problem...